Hyrule total war wiki
Hyrule total war wiki

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember when installing new version of Hyrule Total War to delete any and all previous installations of HTW, or it may not work properly! Download what Hyrule Historia missions you see fit! Here is the main Downloads page for HTW on ModDB. The layout will be similar if you choose to also download the Hyrule Historia missions. Just hit Download Now and wait for it to finish. This picture shows the main file download page. During this time, if the Internet connection is broken or otherwise disrupted during this process it may corrupt or cancel the download, so be careful! A note of caution, Hyrule Total War has large files and may take some time to download. The Hyrule Historia is further divided into sections based on the story arc, just download the ones you wish to experience (or download them all!). The main installer will grant you access to the Freeform Campaign and Custom Battles, but if you wish to see the story and cutscenes of HTW, you must also download the Hyrule Historia files. Hyrule Total War is separated into several parts. To obtain the mod, check the moddb page or simply follow the links below. After installing the base game, it is time to download the mod.

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Step 2: Downloading the Base Mod, the Hyrule Historia, and the Community Patches This should be self-explanatory, and if you are using Steam, just simply select the title and click the Install button. First, make sure you own and have already downloaded Medieval II and its Kingdoms expansion.

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Step 2: Downloading the Base Mod and the Hyrule Historia Step 1: Installing Medieval Total War 2 & the Kingdoms Expansion Your installation may be different depending on how you have obtained the base game. Please note that this guide is coming from a person who uses the Steam version of Medieval II + Kingdoms. (Only those two problems, all other issues go in the Bugs and Technical Issues subcategory) Welcome to the (unofficial) Installation Guide for Hyrule: Total War! If you have any questions or technical issues while installing or running the mod please post them here.

Hyrule total war wiki